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EZ-FLO - Main-Line - 4.5 Gallon

$ 0.00 USD

4.5 Gallon Main-line Dispensing System (17 liter)

Got an area you need to fertigate that’s 500 square feet to 1 acre in size? One of our Main Line models is what you’re looking for. EZ-FLO’s Main Line systems attach to your irrigation system so fertigation is automatic and convenient.

These “set and forget” systems are built to last without maintenance. They’re made big so you’ll only need to refill them once in a blue moon. They’re engineered to be strong so you won’t have to worry about cracks or leaks from static water pressure.

Once you fill a Main Line model up with liquid or water-soluble fertilizer, all you need to do is set the ratio of fertilizer to water, and that’s it! You’ll never have to worry about fertilizer proportions ever again.

Main-Line systems are designed to be attached to your irrigation system. They are engineered to handle static water pressure even when your irrigation system is off. When operating, the systems do not cause any measurable pressure loss.

Standard Capacity systems come in four sizes. The size of the tank determines the refill frequency. Larger tanks can feed larger landscapes thereby extending refill times. Conversely, if you refill more often, larger landscapes can be fed with a single system. EZ-FLO also supports nursery and grower applications with our High Capacity and Engineered systems.

Mainline Systems

Mainline Systems


Not just healthier, better looking plants. EZ-FLO systems also provide a range of financial benefits for businesses.

Fast Return On Investment
Reduced Labour Costs
Reduced Input Costs
Reduced Water Costs

EZ-FLO - Main-Line - 4.5 Gallon

Introducing the EZ-FLO Mainline range.

The EZ-FLO High Capacity Main-Line range covers three horizontal models and four vertical models to give you ultimate placement possibilities – from situated in a large underground valve box to the back of the pump shed. We also have a range of light-commercial models, suitable for smaller applications.


There are dozens of fertilization and fertigation systems out there. Ultimately, you’re here because you’re on the search for a system that:
Makes your plants and landscape grow more beautifully
Is low-cost, convenient, and super easy to use, and
Is environmentally responsible and resource saving

Not JUST for fertilizer.

You can use a huge range of liquid and water-soluable products with EZ-FLO

Soil Wetters

Effectively improve hydrophobic soil and stop wasting water to run off. Thanks to EZ-FLO, it’s easy to get soil wetters where they’re needed – the soil.

Soil Improvers

Keeping your soil healthy has never been easier. Utilise every drop of water you put on your lawn or garden to transfer beneficial soil improvers to exactly where it’s needed – the soil.

Critter and Insect Control

Your EZ-FLO is perfect for applying insect and critter repellents. Adjust to your preferred dilution rate and connect your nozzle or sprinkler.

So much more

Bio-Stimulants, Iron supplements and more. The EZ-FLO is changing the way American businesses fertilize.


There are dozens of fertilization and fertigation systems out there. Ultimately, you’re here because you’re on the search for a system that:
Makes your plants and landscape grow more beautifully
Is low-cost, convenient, and super easy to use, and
Is environmentally responsible and resource saving

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